Thursday, November 01, 2007
Phobaphobia - let's just be afraid of everything.
In the process of doing some light research for a piece about fear of information and technology, I stumbled across a rather long list of phobias. I've decided to keep a record of those that I find intriguing, both linguistically and phenomenologically.
Apparently we have the potential to be afraid of just about anything. Moreover, your fears are not at all unique.
[the emphasis is for 'LinguisticFX' and general artiness]
Acousticophobia - the fear of noise (also phonophobia)
Agateophobia - the fear of insanity
Allodoxaphobia - the fear of opinions
Apeirophobia - the fear of infinity
Asymmetriphobia - the fear of asymmetrical things
Atelophobia - the fear of imperfection
Atomosophobia - the fear of atomic explosions
Atychiphobia - the fear of failure
Autophobia or Monophobia - the fear of being alone
Barophobia - the fear of gravity
Bibliophobia - the fear of books
Cacophobia - the fear of ugliness
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia - the fear of cancer
Cardiophobia - the fear of the heart/heart disease
Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia - the fear of being ridiculed
Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia - the fear of money
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia - the fear of colors
Coitophobia - the fear of coitus
Commitmentphobia - the fear of commitment to relationships
Decidophobia - the fear of decisions or making decisions
Deinophobia - the fear of dining and dinner conversations
Dementophobia or Maniaphobia - the fear of insanity
Demophobia, Enochlophobia or Ochlophobia - the fear of mobs or crowds
Dipsophobia - the fear of drinking
Doxophobia - the fear of expressions opinions or receiving praise
Dysmorphophobia - the fear of deformity or unattractive body image
Dystychiphobia - the fear of accidents
Eleutherophobia - the fear of freedom
Ephebiphobia - the fear of teenagers
Epistemophobia - the fear of knowledge
Eremiphobia, Orlsolophobia - the fear of oneself, or of being alone
Ergophobia or Ponophobia - the fear of work
Gamophobia - the fear of marriage
Geliophobia - the fear of laughter
Gerascophobia or Gerontophobia - the fear of the old, or of growing old
Glossophobia - the fear of speaking in public
Hedonophobia - the fear of pleasure
Hellenologophobia - the fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology
Ideophobia - the fear of ideas
Kainolophobia or Kainophobia - the fear of anything new, novelty (also neophobia)
Laliophobia or Lalophobia - the fear of speaking
Logizomechanophobia - the fear of computers
Mastigophobia - the fear of punishment
Melophobia - the fear of music
Metrophobia - the fear of poetry
Misanthropy - the fear of mankind in general
Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia - the fear of being overweight, or gaining weight
Papyrophobia - the fear of paper
Phronemophobia - the fear of thinking
Sociophobia - the fear of being judged, people in general or society
Sophophobia - the fear of learning
Spacephobia - the fear of outer space
Symbolophobia - the fear of symbolism
Symmetrophobia - the fear of symmetry
Tropophobia - the fear of moving or making changes
Venustraphobia - the fear of beautiful women
Verbophobia - the fear of words
Xenoglossophobia - the fear of foreign languages
[Photo by noamgalai. CC Licenced]
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