Friday, February 23, 2007

Web 2.0 Engineering: Site Structure

Here I'm not referring to "engineering" in terms of building a code base, but the implementation and integration of 2.0 tools into basic web frameworks, like a blog or a (fomerly) static site. I'm going to do this simply by providing a record of my current central structure [attached graphic].

[Click on model for full size]

The model provided here does not include hardware and software that would also 'plug in' to this structure. In fact, it's the interassembly of many different layers of negotiation of LANGUAGE that is required in order to make several websites function. At every layer, whether it's using video editing software; typing simple HTML into a blog editor; remembering where each web component is located and what its function is - there's a deeper cerebral model that could be "mapped," although chances are that a neurological model would appear to be significantly 'messier' than a simple PowerPoint! As an example, the additional software/hardware components are located here: How to build Virtual Jonathan 2.0

If I took ALL of these components and linked them (for example, my YouTube channel is reliant upon use of video editing software, sound editing, a video camera, a computer, a cable), then I'd start to create a functional model for how this system actually operates. As a two dimensional model it's extremely limited and now I'm moving toward my central point:
* Language cannot be effectively mapped in two dimensional models such as linear grammatical structure.

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